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Git: what is it and how we use it
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in WordPress
WordPress child themes, what is it, how it works, why we use it
WordPress themes and how to choose a nice one smoothly
Customer service: creating great customer experience
WordPress maintenance: how to make your website work better and longer
Customer annoyances: what makes visitors angry in your e-commerce website
WordPress anniversary: the best CMS for 15 years
How to write a product description
How to clean up spam in you WordPress
eZigarettenkoenig: vapesite for non-smokers
Interview with an expert — Plugins and performance
Fortify your website! What should you do in case of a hacker attack?
Easter Eggs on a regular day: hidden messages across the web
Mobile SEO
7 branding trends to follow in 2018
User-generated content: an endless engine on marketing wheels
Brand story: why and what to tell
Cross-cultural marketing: happy holidays!
7 steps to choose a great vendor
Content visuals and self-made product photography
STUCO: metal work and sparks
Geotargeting, geolocation and privacy
Hot and trendy: web design tendencies in 2017
Behind the curtains of the project initiation
Mobile Optimization
Social networks
Emotions as a trigger: a pleasant push to close a deal
Know your clients: CRM and customer service
Refreshing your site for the holiday, is that easy?
Stepping closer to the future with WordPress
Show ALL: Product image galleries
10 steps to the better security
WooCommerce: to use or not to use?
Interview with an expert – Custom Fields
How NOT to do landing pages
Miracle drug to increase conversion
Trends in Web Design 2017